I had no idea my daughter's mouth had a microbiome… and that her toothpaste was ruining it.

Ignoring It Could Mean Painful Dental Visits And Big Bills…

Post by: Melissa Hines

When my daughter looks in the mirror and smiles… what’s the first thing she sees?

In her case, she wasn’t happy with the shade of her teeth. We tried every whitening paste under the sun, but they just seemed to get more dull and yellowed with each passing day.

Every time she went to her dentist, the hygienist would scold her for the way her gums bled when she flossed them.

And she wasn’t alone… nearly half of all kids 12 suffer from some form of gum disease.*1

When I read that stat, it didn’t square up for me. Everyone brushes their teeth, and 70% of us do it twice a day, as recommended.*2

She was brushing and flossing regularly, and seeing no progress. But a chance encounter with a local doctor changed that. He was noticing the same issue in his patients, and discovered something that most dentists overlook… including a “melting candy remedy” that’s helping thousands of Americans restore their tooth and gum health.

But before we get there, we need to talk about how your mouth actually works.

This is Dr. Drew Sutton, MD. He’s a board-certified otolaryngologist.

He’s been practicing for over 30 years, and recently shifted his practice to a holistic, results-focused approach.*3 I met him at a charity brunch, and I was complaining about how my kid couldn’t eat the bacon… it’s high in nitrates, which contribute to gum disease.*4

“Here, have a candy,” he told me. “Let it melt in your mouth.”

That was a weird thing to be told by a dentist. But I popped it in my mouth, and it had a gentle, minty-vanilla flavor. Dr. Sutton started telling me his story.

After 30 years in practice, he thought he’d seen it all — until he took on a patient who had the worst gum disease he’d ever seen.

Just like me, this patient was doing “all the right things” when it came to their oral health… and getting nowhere.

So Dr. Sutton — remember, he’s an ENT doctor, not a dentist — started digging into medical literature on gum disease. And he couldn’t believe what he found.

Your mouth is home to 6 billion bacteria… both good and bad

As Dr. Sutton was doing his research, an article was published in the esteemed scientific journal Nature…

…with a title he couldn’t ignore: “Oral microbiome findings challenge dentistry dogma.” He sent it to me after our chance encounter.

The facts blew me away:*5
- There are over 700 species of microbes that can live in your mouth
- Some of them are regular superheroes: they fight off invaders, soothe inflammation, and regulate the mouth’s acidity
- They actually convert the food we eat into digestible compounds — something we couldn’t do ourselves

Did you get the importance of that last bullet point? Read it again. Your body outsources crucial tasks to your mouth bacteria.

These helpful bacteria are the gatekeepers to our entire digestive system. They’re just as important as the ones found in the small and large intestines. They’re responsible for not only the health of your teeth and gums… but your entire body.

And we’re accidentally wiping them out with mouthwash and “mass market” toothpaste

Have you or your kids ever taken antibiotics?

I didn’t ask, “do you take antibiotics” — because they’re something you take for a short while. If you took them every day, you’d wipe out billions of bacteria that are essential to good health.

So… why would we do the same thing to our mouths?

That’s what’s happening when we use modern toothpastes and mouthwashes. Compared to our understanding of the gut, the dental industry is in the dark ages.

We’re still acting like “all bacteria are bad” when it comes to our teeth and gums. Most toothpastes and mouthwashes contain some or all of these ingredients:

1. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Good bacteria need a wet, alkaline environment to thrive. SLS can dry out the mouth, which raises the acidity level and makes it hard for the good guys to survive.*6
2. Triclosan. Dozens of studies have shown that it reduces the diversity and numbers of healthy bacteria in the gut — even from the small amount that’s in toothpaste.*7
3. Artificial Color Dyes. A titanium-based dye called “titanium white” is a popular way to make toothpaste whiter, and it’s been shown in studies to promote inflammatory bacteria.*8

Tossing your toothpaste isn’t the answer… so what is?

When you realize what’s in our toothpastes and mouthwashes — even those recommended by dentists, you have to ask, “so what’s the solution?”

You’d have to be crazy to stop brushing your teeth — but the way we’re doing it now is like shampooing twice a day, and never using conditioner. It strips away the helpful bacteria without seeding in any replacements.

Recognizing this, Dr. Sutton decided to create a “conditioner,” so to speak… a collection of the very best probiotic strains for oral health.

All the probiotics you’ll find in stores have been fine-tuned to support gut health — and that means they’re not ideal for mouth health.

He spent months and months researching, until he isolated the 6 best probiotic strains for oral health, and combined 3.8 billion of them into a single probiotic supplement.

This includes strains like lactobacillus paracasei, which stops streptococcus bacteria (which contribute to tooth decay) in their tracks *9 — and bifidobacterium lactis, shown in clinical trials to reduce periodontal inflammation. *10

“But it’s not enough to just give your mouth those good bacteria,” he told me. “You need to feed them so they multiply before getting overrun by the bad bacteria.” That’s why he added inulin, the best prebiotic available, to his mixture.

But the most surprising thing about Dr. Sutton’s invention? The delivery mechanism

These probiotic strains just might be the missing piece of the oral-health puzzle. They restore what’s removed by toothpaste and mouthwash.

But you can’t find these specialized probiotics in health food stores… in fact, you can’t even find them in a pill. If you swallowed these, they’d go right to your gut and skip your mouth.

So Dr. Sutton pioneered a “candy probiotic” — a lozenge that melts in your mouth, filling it with helpful probiotics. It’s naturally sweetened with vanilla, which contains a natural tooth whitener called malic acid, as well as peppermint and spearmint.

That’s what he gave me (and an extra for my daughter!) while he told me his story. As soon as he’d finished, I knew I needed more.

Meet AutoBrush Probiotics: the original, doctor-formulated probiotic for teeth and gums

The best thing about AutoBrush Oral Probiotics is that it’s incredibly simple to use. Just let it melt in your kids mouth once a day, right after brushing.

The bacteria settle into your teeth and gums, working together to strengthen them against the bad bacteria that cause tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease.

Dr. Sutton has begun selling it all over America, and people from all walks of life are seeing real results within weeks.

Discover AutoBrush Oral Probiotics Now

What Others Are Saying

"Plus, this is a huge win! My Kids absolutely love the vanilla flavor and so do I. There's no fuss to get them to take it after brushing."

Amira Sidawi from Oklahoma

"There is nothing quite like it on the market! Guess what? My daughter loves the taste. With AutoBrush Kids Oral Probiotics, I feel more confident about our daughter's dental hygiene.

@riasupermomma from Instagram

"Not only do they work in promoting good digestive health, they also promote healthy teeth and gums... it's super easy for them to take ... 10 out of 10 recommend."

Candace Stull from Indiana

"She has been loving them especially the vanilla flavor and it has been keeping her oral health intact. Her gums are healthy, her breath stays smelling good all day, and they even help her immune system for her gut health because of the probiotics in there."

Krysle Castillo from Illinois


So here's the deal - it seems we have two options... 

Option #1 is to keep going as we are, crossing our fingers and hoping that the regular toothpaste and the occasional dental visit will be enough to protect our kids from those lurking dental woes.

We can stick to the same old routines, using products that might contain harmful additives, and hope for the best. 

Or there's Option #2. This is where we take a step into something new, something that promises not just hope, but a tangible solution. 

It's about choosing a path that over a hundred thousand other parents have already embraced, a path that leads to AutoBrush Oral Probiotics, a product that's changing the game in children's oral health. 

I mean, there's a reason you've read this far, right?  

The best part? You don’t even need to visit your dentist to get it

Dr. Sutton has made AutoBrush Oral Probiotics available directly online, so you don’t have to sit in the dentist’s chair and shell out thousands for it.

Go ahead and order your 1 month supply of Oral Probiotics by clicking the button below — I’ve secured an exclusive discount for our readers.

I started with a 1-month supply, but instantly regretted not buying more.

My daughter has whiter teeth, fresher breath, and healthier gums than she's had in years.

And it keeps getting better every month… so I wish I’d bought the subscription, which also gets you the biggest savings.

This probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard this today, but supply chains are unpredictable right now, even in the probiotic industry.

Just click below, and say “bye bye” to dull, yellow teeth!

AutoBrush Oral Probiotics

50% Off Your First Order

Unlock the secret to your child's optimal oral health with our AutoBrush Oral Probiotics—the best oral probiotics for kids on the market! Clinically proven, these probiotics specialize in tackling gingivitis and dental plaque.

Targets key oral bacteria for effective cavity and gum disease protection.

Unique, patented, and rigorously tested for your peace of mind.

Makes oral care a treat, encouraging early hygiene habits.

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