The Little-Known “Toothbrush Tweak” That Takes the Terror Out of Brushing Your Child’s Teeth…

And takes just 60 seconds a day!

See What’s Driving Concerned Parents Everywhere to Ditch Their Kid’s Old Toothbrush and Upgrade to the Future of Dental Care

Post by: Melissa Hines

Brushing your teeth is a chore…

But brushing your kid’s teeth can be torture!

Every day I hear things from frazzled parents like:

“We use 3 toothbrushes… 1 in each of his hands and one in mine…”

“My kid hates it. Clamps her mouth shut and fights me like a chimpanzee...”

“I’m afraid my children's’ teeth are going to ROT out of their heads…”

“I spent over $1,700 on dental work… for my 5 year old’s baby teeth.”

“I do a full brush and floss on her teeth, we go to the dentist every 6 months, she eats very little sugary foods and drinks AND YET her teeth are already yellowing with a ton of build up. Is this normal??”

They’re at their wit's end trying to keep their children’s teeth healthy. Because all they get in return is screaming, crying, bargaining, and/or outright refusal.

Not to mention that your kid’s dental health can often feel like a reflection on you as a parent.

So, when that dental exam comes up every 6 months, it can feel nerve-racking.

But I have good news for you...

You CAN get your kids into that elusive ‘no-cavity club’ and AVOID future dental problems (along with big dental bills) in just 60 seconds per day!

And all without sacrificing your sanity for screaming.

How, you may ask?

It’s simple: It’s all about the toothbrush.

See, kids aren’t great at brushing their teeth - even if their intentions are good.

Their fine motor skills are just not developed enough to master a really solid toothbrushing technique.

And considering their naturally-limited attention span… trying to get them to concentrate for 2 whole minutes on making sure every tooth receives the proper cleaning is dang near IMPOSSIBLE.

Resulting in poor dental hygiene, bad brushing habits, and potentially big bills from the dentist and orthodontist.

So how do we make brushing a “fail-proof” activity, while being so fun and easy even a 3 year old can do it?

First, ditch the outdated manual toothbrush. It was designed in 1938, with nearly no changes since then.

Then, ask yourself…

… with smart cars that drive themselves

… and smart vacuums that clean by themselves

Why don’t we have toothbrushes that make teeth cleaning just as easy?

A toothbrush that can create & maintain clean, healthy teeth – even when your child wouldn’t.

Well, now we do!

Here’s the “Smart Toothbrush” that does all the work for your kid! (Try it risk-free today)

It does all the work to create & maintain healthy, clean teeth – even when your child won’t.

And today, you can try it absolutely risk-free.

You may know all the guidelines for brushing teeth “properly”:

- 2 minutes of consistent brushing with a manual brush…
- The brush should be tilted to a 45 degree angle to the gums…
- Strokes should be short - not much longer than the length of a tooth...
- And we should “massage” the teeth with the toothbrush in circular motions and not run the brush along them like you’re sawing a log.

But getting a kid who’s somewhere between 2 and 12 to do ALL of that?

Not a chance!

So why – in a world where cars can drive themselves, and a vacuum can clean your house without you lifting a finger – are we still using a toothbrush that was designed in 1938, and requires more concentration than what a kid has available?

We don’t need to be; that’s for sure!

Science has shown us that there is a more effective way to clean your teeth…

AutoBrush is a smart toothbrush that’s safe, effective, and fun for your child to use. And available for you to try with a 100% money back guarantee.

Like most smart objects, it makes life easier…

🦷 AutoBrush naturally positions the bristles to brush from the proper angle
🦷 Because the AutoBrush brushes all teeth at once - it only requires 30 seconds of brushing (which actually gives MORE cleaning time to individual teeth)
🦷 Dental-grade Blue LED lights and Red LED lights to support gum health and brighten teeth
🦷 AutoBrush actually benefits from wiggly child-hands… a little wiggling of the AutoBrush is all you need to get a full mouth clean in 30 seconds
🦷 Plus, fun lights and jungle music make using the AutoBrush exciting to use for your child

It’s a win-win for everyone!

And did we mention how easy it is to use?

3 Easy Steps to Use the AutoBrush?

AutoBrush has been developed to redefine how easy brushing can be for kids, elders, or anyone who wants to save time in their day without sacrificing the health of their teeth!

AutoBrush is built like a mouth guard, so 100% of your teeth comfortably fit into it. And the entire mouth guard is lined with soft nylon bristles. (Exactly what the dentist recommends!)

It’s so easy to use, even your most difficult kiddo can complete these 3 steps to a sparkly, clean mouth:

1. Add 2 dabs of toothpaste around the AutoBrush bristles, on each side
2. Set it to your preference, and fit it over your teeth with the bristles up
3. Then wiggle it back-and-forth for 30 seconds until the light goes off

Voila! Beautiful, white, healthy teeth.

Discover AutoBrush Oral Probiotics Now

It's no wonder why dentists recommend it to their patients:

Dr. Mikaeya Kalantari, Pediatric Dentist

"This is a really great toothbrush to get your kids on the routine of oral care. It makes it fun! It makes it exciting! The angle of the bristles and the more powerful vibrations are really really going to go far into getting the teeth clean."

Dr. Clara D. Griffey, DDS

“If you have such a struggle getting them (your kids) brushing in the first place, this is a really great option. The music is what got my kids excited about it and love it!"

Kelly Hancock, RDH

“The AutoBrush for Kids really takes the chore out of brushing. I think this is great for all children because it makes brushing super fun. It's a great motivator. It can also be really good for those with special needs or sensory issues."

  • Dr. Mikaeya Kalantari, Pediatric Dentist

    "This is a really great toothbrush to get your kids on the routine of oral care. It makes it fun! It makes it exciting! The angle of the bristles and the more powerful vibrations are really really going to go far into getting the teeth clean."

  • Dr. Clara D. Griffey, DDS

    “If you have such a struggle getting them (your kids) brushing in the first place, this is a really great option. The music is what got my kids excited about it and love it!"

  • Kelly Hancock, RDH

    “The AutoBrush for Kids really takes the chore out of brushing. I think this is great for all children because it makes brushing super fun. It's a great motivator. It can also be really good for those with special needs or sensory issues."

What Others Are Saying

And it's not just me; I've seen quite a few parents sharing their positive experiences. It seems like AutoBrush is slowly becoming a household favorite, helping to foster a healthy environment in our children's mouths.

I wanted to share this little find with you all. It's always great to share something that could be a small step towards happier, healthier smiles for our kids, right?

You know, in this parenting journey, sometimes it feels like we're navigating a maze, doesn't it?

Constantly trying to make the best choices for our kids, especially when it comes to safeguarding their precious smiles. Well, I feel like I've stumbled upon a little shortcut in that maze, a secret pathway if you will, and I couldn't keep it to myself. 

Prior to the auto brush, we would bribe our 4 year old to brush her teeth. She used to scream and throw fits when it was time to brush her teeth. Now, she wakes up and immediately brushes her teeth without hesitation. Not only does she love it, but it is cleaning her teeth better than her previous mechanical toothbrush. Love this product!

Tori M. from Connecticut

Abby is my 6 year old daughter who was born with Cerebral Palsy. CP affects all aspects of Abby's Life. I have implemented tools like AutoBrush for Kids to increase her independence! We got our first toothbrush in September of 2021 and the 1st week we got it my daughter started brushing her teeth 4 times a day all by herself & completely independently, which is such a win for us as parents.

Julie F. from Florida

AutoBrush is really helping me instill good dental hygiene habits in my kids! It is also dentist approve which is a huge relief. We have tried a few other kinds of 360 toothbrushes from other companies and they kept breaking or losing the charge until they eventually just died. We decided to just spend the money on the big name and you can tell right away that the quality blows everyone else out of the water.

Timorie S. from Texas

We've tried all versions of autobrush and this is the best. I've been following this brand for a long time since I first heard about them a few years ago. Saw the ups and downs and positive and negative reviews and I've been waiting for a brush head with nylon bristles. Now they have one and it's been worth the wait! I whip this thing around in my mouth for thirty seconds and I get that nice clean feeling on my teeth.

David B. from New York


So here's the deal - it seems we have two options... 

Option #1 is to keep going as we are, crossing our fingers and hoping that the regular toothbrushes and the occasional dental visit will be enough to protect our kids from those lurking dental woes.

We can stick to the same old routines, using products that might contain harmful additives, and hope for the best. 

Or there's Option #2. This is where we take a step into something new, something that promises not just hope, but a tangible solution. 

It's about choosing a path that over a hundred thousand other parents have already embraced, a path that leads to AutoBrush, a product that's changing the game in children's oral health. 

I mean, there's a reason you've read this far, right?  

It's because, like me, you're ready to give your kids every possible advantage, to ensure their smiles stay as radiant and infectious as their laughter.

So, I invite you to trust your instincts here, to see the clear choice that's presenting itself. 

Why not take a moment to explore this option further? Click on the link below to discover more about AutoBrush and the incredible difference it can make. 

But here's a little tip - there's a special 50% offer available right now, exclusively for those who are ready to take this step today. It's a chance to save significantly on a product that's fast becoming a household favorite.

And here's the best part - you can try AutoBrush completely risk-free. Yes, you heard that right.

If for any reason you're not thrilled with the results, there's a one-year money-back guarantee in place. It's a testament to the confidence behind this revolutionary product.

I can't wait to hear about your AutoBrush journey. Here's to brighter, healthier smiles for our little ones.

autobrush for Kids

50% Off Your First Order

The Kid-Proof Toothbrush. Clinically proven to remove 27x more plaque than a manual toothbrush. Help your little ones brush better with a brush they'll WANT to use.

Error-Free Clean. AutoBrush eliminates user error.

Kid-Friendly Design. Keeps them engaged during brushing.

Fast & Effective. A whole mouth clean in 30 seconds.

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